Activating a Code:
To use an activation code open OST. Select "File" then "Check Authorization". If you haven't used one of these codes yet then copy one of the codes provided to you and paste it into the "Activation Code" box. If you have already used one of our activation codes then select the drop down box within "Activation Code" and pick one of the active codes assigned to you. Press the "activate" button and you should receive a message stating that the activation was successful and to close the dialog box.

 Once you have used the code in your OST software it remains in drop down box under Activation Code. You may see a third code in this drop down box which would be your trial code from when we first tried the software.

 Releasing an Activation Code:
This is an important step. When you are finished with OST you will need to release the code to make it available for someone else to use. This is only applicable if your team is sharing codes.

 When you are finished, select "File" then "Check Authorization". At the "Local Activation Code" box select the code shown and then press the "Return" button at the lower right. This releases the code to be used by someone else.

 Managing the Activation Codes: (for glass) - until permanent codes are aquired
I've asked Paula to make two magnetic labels for our In/Out board labeled Code #1 & Code #2. The thought was that if a code was available the label would be at the bottom of the board. When you use it place it at your name so that others know it is in use and by whom.
Precast will manage their one code between Tony and Liz & La Verne will manage their own codes.

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